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CurlH2O Ambassador Program Survey

Welcome to the CurlH2O Ambassador Program Feedback Survey!

Thank you for your time and dedication as a CurlH2O ambassador. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine and improve our program, products, and in-salon experience. This survey is designed to gather your insights, and your thorough responses will directly contribute to shaping the future of CurlH2O.

Please take your time to provide thoughtful and detailed feedback, as this will help us make meaningful improvements. The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your honest input is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Ambassador Program Feedback

How satisfied were you with the items in the CurlH2O Ambassador Kit (t-shirt, hair products)?
Very Satisfied
Needs Improvement
Would you be interested in participating in future CurlH2O ambassador programs?

 CurlH2O Products

Sleep Cap



In-Salon Experience

Hair Extensions

Please complete if you have purchased or provided extensions at any point by CurlH2O.

Open Feedback

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